UMS Badminton Tournament 2010 (End of February)

Salam sahabat,...
Rase nyer da lame tak update blog ni. Almaklumlah, tetibe pulak my lappy buat hal. Kisah nyer keyboard my lappy stuck. Then, my lappy stuck jgk. Now, I'm use lappy from my buddy. Nasib baik ade jgk member yg nak kaci pinjam laptop. Tapi sebenarnye mamat tu memang sengaje kaci tinggal laptop die kat sini sebab senang die nak online. Lagi pun die takde network kat bilik. So, die suruh saya gune jer laptop die. Hahaha,..bertuah nyer badan. Gitu la citer nyer. Tapi bukan itu yang saye nak cerite.
Haaa,.. ni yang nak cerite ni. By the way, end of this month UMSKAL organize tournament untuk badminton. Dengar khabar nyer work out together dengan Rakan Muda. Waaa...besau sangat da game tu. Agak nyer la,..Wakaka..
FYI, actually saye badminton player kat campus ni. So, I hav to get my body composure in perfect infact kene jage makanan jugak. Mane tak nyer. Risau jugak kalau badan ni tetibe jadi berat semacam bila time game da sampai kemuncak nyer nant.
So, training kene la buat tiap2 minggu sampai la game tu start. Masalahnyer, tak tau lak game ni whether OPEN or CLOSED tournament. So, I really need to ready. To share wif u guys, my partner name nyer Mohamad Razif. Waaaaa,...tengok name cam gempaq. Macam main partner dengan anak Uncle Sidek lak. Wahahahahaha...Tapi bukan. Mamat ni anak Abdullah.Hahaha...
Memandangkan semester ni adalah semester last, hope dapat buat all-out sepenuh hati. InsyaAllah,..
p/s: Rase-rase teman la, tournament ni buat kat Dewan Utama UMSKAL. GAMBATE!!!

~ Saturday, February 20, 2010 2 comments


Salam sahabat,..

Menjadi salah seorang pegawai kerajaan amat-amat dinantikan oleh sebilangan warganegara di negara ini. Malahan ini terbukti dari statistik yang dikeluarkan Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA) samada peringkat federal mahupun state. Hal ini berikutan kemudahan-kemudahan yang diberikan kepada staf-staf dan pegawai sektor awam.

Walaupun demikian, kemudahan ini tidak harus melekakan hingga membawa impak kepada warganegara yang dikenali sebagai pengguna. Sudah berkali-kali masalah ini berulang walaupun ketua negara sendiri sudah melakukan pelbagai usaha bagi masalah ini diselesaikan dan berulang.

Tentu saudara/i tertanya-tanya permasalahan apakah itu. Ingin saya nyatakan di sini, permasalahan tersebut adalah 'kerja red-tape', 'kerenah birokrasi' dan pelbagai lagi masalah melambat-lambatkan kerja. Tidak hairanlah pelbagai inisiatif dilaksanakan bagi mengurangkan permasalahan ini namun kurang berjaya dilakukan.

Contoh yang boleh di ambil adalah seperti masalah yang dihadapi oleh rakan saya. Beliau merupakan pelajar universiti di salah satu IPTA di Malaysia. Kisahnya, beliau mempunyai masalah untuk mendaftar kuliah bagi sesi pengkuliahan semester baru 2009/2010. Oleh yang demikian, beliau telah diminta untuk menulis surat ke Naib Cancelor universiti tersebut. Untuk pengetahuan, rakan saya ini menuntut di salah sebuah anak kampus universiti tersebut. Oleh yang demikian, beliau telah menulis surat kepada NC tersebut 'melalui' fakultinya.

Namun begitu, jawapan balas daripada pihak pengurusan hanya diterima selepas dua (2) minggu selepas surat tersebut dihantar. Adakah ini masalah diluar jangkaan atau masalah berulang. Sama-sama kita renungkan. Entah sampai bila,..

p/s: ate teman malas sangat nak berurusan dengan deme ni. Keje lambat sangat. Nasib baik la teman buat latihan industri bukan kat sektor awam. Kalo tidak, huh...goyang kaki la teman takde keje nak buat.
Dengor kabor kawan-kawan teman yang buat latihan kat sektor awam takde keje lain. Kerja nyer memang lor tersangat berat. Faks surat, fotostat surat, buat surat...adeh la. Pe la nasib deme.

~ Tuesday, February 2, 2010 0 comments


Evening my beloved reader,..

I just heard about the SWISSCASH scheme from my friends last week. After doing some research, now I know what it is about. The sheme was surprised by their high interest and overwhelming much more. Do you think the scheme only give the highly paid interest without any agenda. FYI, actually it just fool around with our currency that will results bad impact on our beloved Malaysia. The scheme try to give everything to their investors instead pressure down our currency. Very clever one!

The scheme try to be the manipulator to manipulate other households to invest in the scheme which give highly paid interest to their investors. The interest might be 20 - 30% if I not mistaken by certain period of maturity. (Wooooww, that much!!!I'm gonna be the richest man. Haha...). In other site, we as Malaysian should pay compliment to National Security (NS) for their quick action in order to wedge this scheme.

Furthermore, I was heard rumours that NS had given this case to the consultant PriceWaterhouseCoopers to supervision on this case. NS claimed, now the process was to give the yield back to the investors. For sure, investors out there cannot wait for their money to get back after spend it under the scheme.

p/s: Please do not invest your capital to scheme you doesn't know the background and the impact. Make sure to do research on any sheme that offer you before you join.

~ Monday, February 1, 2010 0 comments



In a doubles game, the receiver must alternate with each serve. If the other doubles player touches the shuttlecock, the serving side is rewarded a point. If a fault is made by the serving side, the right to serve is lost, because only one of the doubles pair beginning the game can serve.

During the first innings (section of play, before the first point has been scored), serves must be made by the same player. In following innings, the doubles pair serve consecutively in each innings. The winning pair of players serves first in the next game, but either of the losing pair can receive the serve.

In both singles and doubles games, the first serve of each innings is made from the right hand side of the court. After a serve, the shuttlecock is in play until it touches the ground, or a fault or a let occurs.


If a fault is made by the serving side, the side loses the right to serve. If it is made by the opposition, the serving side score a point.

The following is a list of the main faults. If you are aware of them from the day you start to learn the sport, your game should develop at a faster pace:
  • The server’s racquet must make contact with the base of the shuttlecock before it touches any other part - if not, a fault has been committed.
  • It is also a fault if the shuttlecock is higher than the server’s waist when it is being struck, and if the head of the server’s racquet is higher than the hand holding the grip – the head must be pointing downwards for serving.
  • A fault is made by the server if the shuttlecock is not hit over the net, if it does not fall in the opposite section of the court, or if it falls outside the boundary lines or short of the service line.
  • The serving player must stand in the correct right hand side of the court, and the opposition player who is receiving the serve must stand in the diagonally opposite side of the court until the shuttlecock is struck. If the serving player misses the shuttlecock while trying to serve, a fault has been made.
  • A let is given if both the server and the receiving player make a fault at the same time – for instance, if the opposition moves before the service and the server has a foot outside the service area. A let is also given if the shuttlecock is caught in the net. When a let is given, the play since the last serve does not count and the point is replayed.
  • The shuttlecock must not be caught, held on a racquet and slung by any player, or be hit twice in succession by one player (or by one player and then his doubles partner).
  • It is a fault if, once the service has started, either side makes misleading moves or starts to try to distract or mislead the opponent to get an unfair advantage. A player must not obstruct an opponent.
  • The shuttlecock must not touch any player, or player’s clothes. It must not touch the floor, roof or wall or pass under or through the net, or fall outside the boundary lines. Any of these instances constitutes a fault.

  • Players attempt to reach 21 points to win a set.
  • Players can win points even when they don't hold serve, the winner of the previous point will serve to start the next rally.
  • No end changes are in use during sets.
  • Games will be the best of three sets unless otherwise scheduled.
  • If the score reaches 20-20 then the first player or team to hold a two-point advantage will be awarded the set.
  • Should the scores reach 29-29 then the player or team to win their 30th point will be awarded the set.